Questionnaire about share houses for international students

The Hoosiers Group is a corporate group operating a wide range of “housing” businesses. Our aim is to be “A Social Impact Developer®” which offers solutions to various social issues while adapting to changes and innovating customers’ lifestyle through our business.
It is one of our major projects to design share houses for international students. The concept is based on the rapid high demand of short-stay international students who stay in Japan for 1 month up to 2 years, and also, that of foreign travelers who stay longer. Through our recent investigations, many international students appreciate more opportunities to interact with Japanese people in existing apartments for international students. Thus, it would be appreciated if you could provide us with your candid opinions and feedback from your experiences in living in Japan.
Please complete the surveys only if you are an international student currently living in Japan or you have lived in a student dormitory or share house to study in Japan in the past.
The surveys will open from Friday 14 June through to Sunday 30 June, 2024.
Please read the following notes before you start answering the questionnaire.
* QUO Card Pay worth 1000 yen will be presented by email to all those who complete the surveys as a token of our appreciation.
* There are 44 questions and it is necessary to fill out your profile, and thus it may take 15-20 mins to answer all questions.
* Make sure of your settings that you can receive e-mails from “” and “”. Otherwise, you may not be reached out after you complete the surveys.
* The survey results will be delivered anonymously and used only in the form that does not identify individuals.
* For handling of personal information, please check our privacy policy here.
The survey has ended. Thank you very much for your feedback.
The results of the survey will be reported on this website.